Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tree Down!

Sandy leaves her mark and my wiggly ornamental Willow pays the price.

Sandy Redux

Sunday Afternoon
Sunday Evening @ 10:04 PM
Monday Morning @ 7:49 AM
Monday Afternoon @ 3:19 PM
Monday Evening @ 6:23 PM
Monday Evening @ 8:56 PM
Tuesday Morning @ 6:23 AM

Monday, October 29, 2012

15 Under 50

While exploring the open-seats in the House of Representatives and their likely outcomes, I was intrigued by several of the probable freshman congress members. Here are 15 of the 60 who are all under 50 and caught my attention.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Outcome Of The Open-Seats In The House

I am predicting that of the 60 open seats, 31 will go to Democrats and 29 to Republicans. Republicans will elect all white candidates, only 2 of which will be women. Democrats will elect Racial representation as follows: 55% white, 19% Hispanic, 16% Black and 10% Asian, and 10 of the 31 freshmen will be women.

Sandy-rizing My Home!

Something wicked this way cometh!
First the storm gutters!
Then this morning the deck...

A Visit To My Doctor

I arrived at my doctor's office building early.
So I walked to a nearby park and read a book of poetry that I have brought with me. Better to read poetry in a park than in a doctor's waiting room!
Afterwards I drove to Georgetown to my favorite French Café for lunch.
Bon appétit!

Georgetown Canal

After my lunch I took a stroll along the Georgetown Canal here in Georgetown, D. C.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Andrea Palladio: 5 Views That Changed The World

Enjoying reading about the life and work of 16th century Italian Architect, Andrea Palladio (1508 - 1580). How many amazing works of architecture in the world can you name that are derivative of his work? The Stock Exchange in NY, The National Gallery of Art, the White House, Jefferson Memorial, Monticello, The Parliament in Pretoria South Africa, Houghton Hall in Norfolk England among so many others. I love learning.