Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hot Temperature Records Review In The USA

This really reminds you just how amazing the 1930's were.

One Hot Birthday!

My birthday was a hot one! All together over 300 record hot temps reached for breached! in 27 of the 50 states.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cats Painting

While cleaning, I found this image of a watercolor that I made years ago as a "thank you" present for singer, Denison Witmer, after he let me stay in his place over a weekend visit to Philadelphia.

My Dreams

Are of a new Kitchen!
Back wall, Before.
My rendition of back wall, After.
Front wall, before.
My rendition of front wall, after.

21st Century Washington, D.C. Dream Deferred

A set of images from a 1995 commission who offered a plan for a rejuvenated National Capital.
A new Supreme Court built on the banks of the Anacostia River forming the apex of South Capital Street. I love the placement of a fountain and the symbolism of "justice flowing like the waters."
A new stadium to replace the current Robert F. Kennedy--a Robert F. Kennedy II!
I love Washington, D.C.!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Earthquake Watch: Puerto Rico

Little quakes (3.0 - 3.9) are very common along this fault like and in an average week you would see between 8 and 12 of them on this section of the map. They are rarely felt by anyone on the surface, those under the sea are never felt. In the past week, there have been over 50! What's going on?

One Day

In Fairbanks, Alaska...


Long week. Cook something amazing: breaded Tilapia, steamed Haricot Vert with a light dusting of sea salt, and Angel Hair pasta with diced tomatoes and artichoke hearts topped with parmesan cheese.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2012: The Cost Of The War On Terrorism

12 faces to represent the 316 service members who killed in the War on Terrorism in 2012.

Fiscal Cliff?

FISCAL CLIFF averted: my thoughts. This was a made-up crisis intended to scare and manipulate Americans into greater partisan frenzy. So, what does it mean to be a Citizen of the United States? That's where we need to start our conversation. Are we to be whiners and self-centered greedy persons (like the characture being proffered in conservative media by the majority of modern day "Republican" shills--Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin, O'Reilly, Beck, etc.)? Or does it mean that we believe in a "common good"? Support a "common welfare"? That we are "one nation" "indivisible" willing to pay our FAIR share to insure "liberty and justice for all" not just those who can afford it? When I look at what the compromise against falling off of the fiscal cliff means to me, I think it means that my country, my beloved United States, will be able to meet its bills, pay it's employees, provide infrastructure maintenance and improvement, secure our borders and safety, pursue knowledge, research and development against the things that no single person, no state can do. And on a personal level, I will end up paying approximately $2000.00 dollars more in Federal Taxes in 2013. That's my obligation thanks to this "crisis" resolution. This will be a significant pinch to my personal spending. It's basically my discretionary budget for the year. Bye bye new Legos! It is the result of the expiration of the "Payroll Tax Cut" legislation that I have enjoyed for the past couple of years. But guess what? I live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. If I had to choose between paying $2000.00 more a year and living anywhere else, the price of admission is preferred. I had no choice in being born here. That fact alone has made my life so much more comfortable and affluent than 94% of my fellow human beings on this planet. I want to believe that we citizens of this nation are more than just a bunch a spoiled, greedy, little self-absorbed, money-obsessed, trolls. But when I watch how so much of our conservative media moans and bitches about paying taxes, I just feel sad. Am I the only adult in the room? Here's an appropriate use the expletive that John Boehner tossed in anger at Harry Reid last Friday after being called out for his abysmal failure as the "leader" of the House--we all just need to grow the fuck up.