Monday, June 20, 2005

I'm A Rat! ~ Who Knew?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
A rat? This was a revelation to me. For as long as I have been aware of the Chinese Zodiac, I had assumed that I was an Ox. Born in 1961. The Year of the Ox, right?

And the Ox is strong, dependable, long-suffering. All characteristics that I cherish, and hope to possess. And then I had a recent tryst, with a lovely Indonesian man, and my ideas about my birth according to the Chinese Zodiac were soon dispelled.

Pointing out that the Chinese calendar is not the same as the Gregorian one, he showed me that the new year for the Ox didn’t start until after my birth, in the previous year according to the Chinese lunar calendar; the year of the rat. Beware all with January birthdays, the placemats at your local Chinese restaurant will not carry this disclaimer! So, I am a rat.

Now for those of you who are unfamiliar with the legend behind these symbols, the story is one of a competition. The Buddha invited all the animals to a meeting and told them that the first twelve to arrive would be given the honor of becoming part of the zodiac. From the get go, the Rat practiced treachery upon all the others until finally faced with a wide river to cross and no way to cross it, he convinced the dependable Ox to give him a ride. As they near the shore and the Buddha, the Rat lept from the head of the Ox (technically arriving first) thus achieving the honor of being the first symbol of the twelve, leaving the Ox with the dubious honor of being the second.

Okay, it’s true that like all things astrological, while never wanting to be smug about it, I have always maintained a certain distance from the allure of these ancient myth-based “philosohpies” to hold any power over my, or anyone else’s, life. They’re curiousities. Quaint folklore born of a primal desire to understand and give meaning to the events of life and the cycles of the world around us. But trade in my venerable standing as an Ox for the cunning life of a Rat? It just doesn’t feel right!

Perhaps an explanation for my consternation is found in the details of my birth. You see, my friend did a more thorough analysis of my arrival, and while I was born in the year of the Rat, the hour and month of my birth were both under the grace of the Ox! (The day was that of the Dog.) This gives me a greater sense of well-being. Something in which to take solace. But again, it’s just a silly superstition....right?

So, at the age of 44, in the beginning of the decade of my life which is overseen through my earthly branch by the Horse, with a heavenly stem of Wood +, and an elemental branch of Fire + (and I really don’t know what any of this means, except my friend told me that I should wear brown and green!) may the symbols of your life, whatever they are and wherever you find them, bring you both greater self-awareness, and . . . a little whimsy.

1 comment:

  1. Depends on the month.....probably a "Goat/Ram". But hey, I'm just looking at an old restaurant place mat! Blessings! randy
