Saturday, July 09, 2005

Music I'm Listening to...#1

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
My taste in music is very ecclectic. I used to say that I would listen to anything BUT heavy metal and Rap. And then I connected with Latino Rap! Very seductive. So my taste is all over the place. And my heart is open.

This evening I have been in a pensive mood, so Rolando Villazón's "Italian Arias" have been my background music. On this CD, this Mexican tenor has given us some really wonderful operatic "standards". And yet, his first selection is both a bold and amazing rendition of "Lamento: É la solita storia" by Francesco Cilea (1866-1950) that will leave you utterly undone.

Of the music that I listen to, opera is a minor chord, yet this CD continues to play a major role.

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