Monday, August 08, 2005

Holy H2O: Fluid Universe

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
In this world there is nothing softer
or thinner than water
But to compel the hard and unyielding,
It has no equal.
That the weak overcomes the strong,
That the hard gives way to the gentle -
This everyone knows,
Yet no one acts accordingly.
      --Lao Tzu 6th c. B.C.

One of the MOST amazing and thought provoking museums in the world is in Baltimore. It's call the American Visionary Art Museum, and anyone visiting "Balmer" must make this stop a priority. You'll see contemporary art like you've never seen it before.

The above quote from Daoist Master Lao Tzu is part of their current show. And you have until Labor Day to experience it. I can also commend to you the top floor restaurant. The museum sits on the harbor just below Fort McHenry and on a temperate day, a gourmet lunch on the deck is a treat all unto itself.

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