Friday, September 02, 2005

$3.49 A Gallon

.....for regular gas in Washington, DC. I live just north and east of the District, and coming home stations were running out of gas and lines were snarling traffic everywhere. (While the Republican governor of Maryland was telling us that there wasn't any shortage....does anyone believe in reality, anymore?) While I waited to reach the pump, one of the attendants began changing the prices by removing the dollar markers first! I know it's worse in other places...I imagine we are all in for a time of uncertainty and anxiety.

And yet, how blessed we are by comparison.


A greater percentage of people in New York City own private cars than did in New Orleans.

The poverty rate in New Orleans was one of the highest in the nation at 38%.

Nearly 70% of the population was African American, and well over half of that population subsisted below the poverty level.

New Orleans is only the largest community in the devastated path of Katrina, and the demographics were basically the same for the region.

The region supported a population 6 times greater than the city of New Orleans.

When you tell people who have no means and no ability that they must evacuate, and do not provide them with a way to comply....what are you telling them?

Prepare to die? So much for compassionate conservatism.....

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