Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Cosa Rican Memoir #7

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Here I sit in the restaurant of the Hotel Miami in Limón, Costa Rica in 1984 on the eve of our Tortuguero adventure. We are about to recieve a simple and lavish feast of "gallo pinto" rice and beans! It sounds plain, but left to the Costa Ricans it's an incredibly delicious dish.

How much simplier life seemed back then. Young and adventerous (as opposed to mature and adventurous!) the trip to get to this place and moment involved a tenuous bus ride and a magnificent train ride from the capital of San José on a holiday wekend when every mode of transportation was both over booked and taxed to it's legal and physical limits! So this photo depicts an event of great respite. The next phase of this strand can be found at (Costa Rican Memoir #2, parts 1-4 in June's archive).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hey Randy--
    I love this photo! Has a cinematic quality...probably because it was photographed on film. It's luminous. But what I love is your relaxed smile, and how that is analagous to the culture you were in at the time.

