Sunday, September 25, 2005

No Dirty Words

After my promotion of KanYe West's CD's, an acquaintance challenged me based upon her cursory exposure to his lyrics on (typically 30 seconds). I assured her that in spite of the profanity, there was a message worth the few bucks to purchase.

Since then, I have really thought alot about this. Artists like KanYe are about witnessing a reality that is meant to challenge the status quo. The words they choose are not random or obscene. They are intentional and intimate. And that's the spirit in which we should recieve them.

There are no "dirty" words. Words are only phonetic expressions created by our vocal chords. How we except them, and then allow them to affect us is not a function of the word. It's a function of our culture. I long for a world were there are no dirty words. Say what you will, you can't offend me. I want to hear you express yourself. I am intelligent enough to find your heart's meaning in however you choose to express it.


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