Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Costa Rican Memoir #8, part 3

You've heard about the danger of fire ants, but have you ever experienced them? There is no misnomer in their name.

Just outside of rear door of my home in Costa Rica, Mr. K. and I had strung a line to hang our clothes upon after washing. I had used it countless times, and so it was second nature to just trod out there and begins pinning our damp apparel to the line. That is until one day....

I walked outside. Tossed the laundry over the line, piece by piece. Returned to first thing and began to clip it with a pin when all of sudden the first bite occurred. And before I knew what the hell was happening, half a dozen more assaults happened and simultaneously I assessed the situation and began stripping off my pants and screaming! Thank God our home was a private one. So no one saw my frenzied dance and strip tease.

The little guys had taken up resident in our back yard and built a mound without any warning; and that's how they chose to attack me.

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