Monday, October 24, 2005

Friday, Lunch

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
After a morning in Russia, I turned to Italy for lunch!

Caffe Grazie on the corner of E. 84th and Madison avenues has long been a favorite of mine. My ex- and I first stumbled upon it nearly a decade ago; and we never visited the city without a meal there. I have carried on this tradition whether with a guest or on my own because frankly, the food and service has NEVER disappointed me.

For lunch I had a wonderful crab cake salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, hearts of palm, avecado wedges, and corn, drizzled with a zesty lemon-vinagrette. And the service was extremely pleasant. The hostess and waiters made me feel like I was the most important person in the place -- A great "light" lunch.

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