Saturday, November 05, 2005

Autumn Musing

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
You know, I suppose my life is not very unusual. I could use a 26 hour day in order to complete all the things that my work and church and heart demand of me. And it isn't always easy deciding which of this trinity of expectations wins out.

But today, as autumn has finally decided to erupt in it's glorious zenith, the heart made it's needs acutely the priority. And so I rose early and waited for the morning sun to reach it's best angle and then spent two glorious hours hiking on the Sligo Creek trail (an urban wilderness that passes just below my home). Isn't this a lovely image from there? The pristine reflection of many colors in the water's glassy surface suggests a place miles and miles away from our nation's capital. But it isn't -- and it's in my backyard. May each of you succomb to your heart's desires when the results are so restorative to your soul.

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