Thursday, December 22, 2005

In Praise of My Children and Other Stuff

Read that as "students" since I don't have any children of my own! Knowing that I was going to Nicaragua for Christmas, the kids chipped in together and got me $200.00 in American Express gift cards to use on my visit! And many got me other things $150.00 in Barnes & Noble gift cards (which I will use to buy books for the classroom.)

It is a tradition to buy teacher's gifts; and frankly, I don't NEED anything. But my kids are generous and just can't help themselves. Each will receive a post card from Managua; and I will try to find other items to use in the classroom while I'm there. But frankly, I might also pay for a fresh lobster dinner for myself at some point, too!

On another score, Delta has changed my flights and on the trip down made it IMPOSSIBLE to make my connection. Arriving into Atlanta at 9:33 AM and departing for Managua at 10:10 AM? Are they smoking crack? IF the plane arrived on time, sitting in seat 32D, I'd be lucky to emerge from the gangway by 9:45!--and Atlanta with it's four terminals accessible by light rail is no place to only have 25 minutes to navigate. Don't they have a computer program that can flag asinine combinations like this? They ought to! You know, back in the 80's, Delta was the premiere airline in America. What happened to them? And why is there no institutional memory there that holds those responsible for its downfall accountable? Why must bankruptcy be the answer?

So cutting to the chase, I was able to change my first flight, and I now have to be at the airport by 4:15 AM; which means leaving my home by 3:40 AM. How do YOU spell "saint"? I spell it L-A-U-R-A, as my most faithful friend Laura will do me the honors of taking me to Thurgood Marshall/BWI.

Again, I hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful HOLIDAY season! And that the war mongering Fascist-Christians who huff and puff about their victim status while bullying everyone else into kissing their (mostly) lily WHITE asses, stumble upon the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! May it be so.

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