Friday, December 16, 2005

One State's Stats

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I am really personally intuned to the War in Iraq. Not simply as someone who opposes it. Not only as someone who recognizes the lies and obfiscations that drew us into it. And not only as someone who desperately would love to see those who perpetrated this evil brought to justice.

But I am someone who completely and totally honors those who have served our nation in this cause. I acclaim all who have and are in the threatre of this conflict. And I deeply revere and pray for the souls of those who have been sacrificed in the prosecution of this conflict. The cowards at the top may go free for now....but eternally they will face justice. And if they don't, then there is NO JUSTICE.

Imagine, with me, that for every one of these soldiers, there are 10 times as many Iraqi's who have been martyred. And WAY TOO MANY of them are women and children.....

Who is going to STOP this MADNESS? Who is going to come clean and declare that enough is enough?

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