Sunday, January 08, 2006

Nicaragua Memoir #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The place I stay in Nicaragua the Casa Ave Maria in the barrio Monseñor Lezcano. It's an amazing place. A place of respite. A place of art and ideas. A simple place by western standards, but a place where tender hearts will clearly be enchanted. It's proprietor is my friend, Father Grant Gallup, or familiarly (affectionately) known as Padre Mauricio.

Besides rooms to let for visitors or groups, the casa also offers classes in various topics from computers to English. On Sunday mornings the little chapel hosts Holy Eucharist. Carlos in the picture is one of the faithful instrumentalists who provide music. And in the afternoon on Sundays the only Gay and Lesbian gathering of Christians meet to worship in the same chapel. The Casa Ave Marie is a place of respite for all.

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