Sunday, January 08, 2006

Nicaragua Memoir #4

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Of all the wonderful people I have met in Nicaragua -- and believe me, there are tons of wonderful people in Nicaragua! -- Guillermo BolaƱos is on the top of my list. Here he is with his beloved daughter, Rosa Guadeloupe. After taking the picture, I showed it to them via my camera's viewer, and she leaned forward gently touching the screen and declaring, "Papicito, Papicito!" Their love is a mutual affair.

Guillermo accompanied me last year on my visit's side journeys. We spent two days at the resort community of San Juan del Sur; we toured the archipelago of luxury homes on islands in Lake Nicaragua off of the shore of the colonial city of Granada, and we climbed to the rim of the active Volcano Masaya. This year he and I spent 3 days on Greater Corn Island (along with Jeffrey) in the Caribbean Sea. More on this to come.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I have enjoyed reading your experiences in Nicaragua. Very nice blog.. : )
