Thursday, February 23, 2006

Icon Exerpt

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This from an interview by Charles Purdy posted on Peter Berlin is probably the quintessential gay glamor boy icon from the 1970's. He's like a slightly softer and more exotic Jeff Stryker or Ryan Idol (I date myself here, I'm sure!) I thought what he had to say about the penis very interesting....

CP: When did you first realize how beautiful you were -- the power of your beauty? And what was that realization like?

PB: I don't know how old I was. But I was looking in the mirror, and I just liked what I saw. That was sort of when puberty set in, and I was so surprised by that, and so scared -- for five seconds. And then I said, "OK, nobody has to know about it but me." But it was sort of . . . I saw something that I liked. It's not that I ever thought of myself as so beautiful -- but . . . in the pictures, I do the best with what I have to work with. Once I looked at a [self-portrait] I'd done, and I said, "Oh, I would like to look like that."

CP: The look you developed was very different from what had come before in many ways, and very uniquely sexy in a gay way. What inspired you to create that persona and that look?

PB: I had a very definite idea of how a young man, should present himself, and one key element was that the man has . . . a dick.

.... man is running around without a dick since, I don't know when. In the Middle Ages I think they were doing better. But it is just unbelievable how the man castrated himself -- certainly in my lifetime, but I think that goes back a long time. So that's one thing I think I made part of it....

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