Friday, February 17, 2006

School Tales #1

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Amidst all the learning there are moments of levity, and sometimes they are personal and penitrating!

An initiative I have in my classroom to promote reading is "Strive for 25" in which every student who reads 25 chapter books by the end of the year will celebrate with a pizza party. To prove their completion of each book, students fill out a form and then color a "block" with the book's title and images to be placed upon an evolving bar graph.

C., one of my MOST conscientious and sweet little girls turned this block into me. Like the optical illusion of the Victorian woman and the old Hag--what do you see? Look again.

Oh, yes..... The Pen is a mighty instrument, too.....


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Saturday Night Live beat your student to this textual revelation/faux pas a few years ago in a Celebrity Jeopardy skit...

  2. Fabulous's all been done before, eh? But I doubt my 9 year old charge had any reference to SNL! How many monkeys does it take how long to write "War and Peace"....?

