Monday, May 15, 2006

Can You Hear Me Now?

This from a friend on the eastern shore of Maryland:

"I just called Verizon and asked the hapless service representative if my telephone records had been turned over to the NSA. He responded by reading an email he had just received from headquarters. Needless to say, it said nothing. So, I asked him to send me a copy of their Privacy Policy. He put me on hold while he talked to his supervisor. He reported that Verizon did not have one.

While I was on hold, a voice said repeatedly: "Privacy is your right and our responsibility." 1984 has officially arrived; welcome.

If you would also like to inquire about your own telephone records, the Verizon number is 410-954-6260."

To paraphase the Bible: "When a FREE people lack an understanding of the Constitution, they perish....."

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