Friday, May 12, 2006

Princes Now & Then

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
While fiddling on the web, I ran across this sweet image of the Princes Harry and William of England. After seeing their images spred taudry upon the grocery store tabloid racks earlier in the day, it was just nice to find them in a simple yet dignified moment.

One is tempted to think "Poor boys" when contemplating the hounding by a snoopy paparatzi that has marked their entire lives.

And then I recalled the memory of a painting by Hippolyte (Paul) Delroche, 1797-1856 that I first discovered at the National Gallery in London. It depicts the young princes Edward V and Charles, Duke of York cowering in their captivity in the Tower of London. They find comfort in the Bible open upon Edward's lap, but no reprieve awaited them. Both were murdered in that tower.

So...Paparatzi vs political assassination? .... well, I guess Harry and William don't have it so bad after all.

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