Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Road Rage is On The Map

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
As someone who commutes daily for about 2 hours round trip on roads ranging from residential streets to 12 lane interstates and beltways, I found this survey of road rage at the least interesting. Though I am ALWAYS a skilled and courteious driver (ask anyone who has ever ridden with ex- excluded!) [btw Mr. J, that's a joke....], I have seen my fair share of aggressive and mean-spirited events on the highways.

And where are things the worst? Miami, Florida.

Followed by in descending order: Phoenix, Arizona; New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; Boston, Massachusetts, and at Number 6, my own: Washington DC/Baltimore, Maryland. And who of the top 20 cities ended up with the least incidents? Minneapolis, Minnesota. And I can attest that while driving around there in my rented car on my one only visit to the Twin Cities, I was treated with great deference while missing one turn after another....

Other "nice" cities to drive in include: Nashville, Tennessee; St. Louis, Missouri; Seattle, Washington; and Atlanta, Georgia.

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