Sunday, May 28, 2006

What I'm Listening To #12

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
My he get's better with every album. Paul Simon's insightful and artful lyrics are only the tip of his genius. "Surprise" is nothing less than welcome.

Certainly no track is more amazing than "Once Upon A Time There Was An Ocean." If you enjoyed "Graceland" and "Rythym of the Saints," you'll most likely revel in this latest gift from Mr. Simon.

"The light through the stained glass was cobalt and red.
And the frayed cuffs and collars were mended by haloes of golden thread.
The choir sang, "Once Upon A Time There Was An Ocean."
And all the old hymns and family names came fluttering down as leaves of emotion.
As nothing is different, but everything's changed...."

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