Sunday, May 28, 2006

What I'm Watching #21

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This 2000 film from Japan was an interesting story about a boy sent to an orphanage after the death of his father. It explores the themes of adolesent angst, the possibility of a reality beyond this life, and the domestic terrorism movement in Japan in the mid-1970's. All of these themes seem to be treated sincerely, if sophomorically.

And so I am completely flumuxed by the design treatment of the DVD cover! Clearly the designer is GAY. Probably a fan of the whole Godzilla ouvre. And completely out of touch with the sensibility of the actual movie! Okay, it's schmaltzie and melodramatic, but it never crosses the line into "Camp". On most levels it promises much more than it can deliver, and on others, it provides sweet little moments to endear it to one's heart.

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