Friday, June 23, 2006

Dipsticking It

Okay the news of Ghana's victory was great.

And Great news is most welcome in light of the finale of the Episcopal Church's triennial convention in Columbus, Ohio.

Yeah, we elected a woman to lead us, and I was certainly more than thrilled to support her leadership at first.

But then this happened. The first act of her reign was to support the discrimination of all non-heterosexual persons in ECUSA in the failed hope of appeasing the ass-backward, mysogynistic, homophobic bishops in the wider Anglican Communion. And their response -- via their unofficial leader, Bp. Akinola of Nigeria?: NOT ENOUGH!

Like many rightwing neo-NAZI, proto-Facists, it's NEVER Enough if it means compromise, it's ALL or nothing.

SO I am to be a sacrifice, and what do we gain? I'm tired of being a martyr. Let the other bastards die for a change!

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