Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Fever Unknown in the US

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
It's called World Cup Fever, and it's sweeping the rest of the world. And unlike the feared "Avian Flu" this pandemic will likely not lead to the annihilation of millions...

The sport is soccer. Something that every elementary school child in the US knows about, and like Barbie Dolls and Legos, swiftly forgets upon entering adolesence. An amnesia that does not happen in the rest of the world! There, soccer takes on the pre-eminence that sports like basketball, football, and baseball assume in our country.

SO, now it's WORLD CUP time. The time when years of games lead some teams to rise into a competition for the global title. For those of us in the US, this is but a blip on the foreign news coverage if it's a "slow news day" in sports. For the rest of our human family, it's nothing short of WAR ~ and the good kind, where only pride dies and NOT people.

So here's To the nations whose teams are in the first round of competition: Angola, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Croatia, Colombia, Czech Replublic, United Kingdom, France, Ghana, Germany, The Netherlands, Iran, South Korea, Paraguay, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Spain, Mexico, Cote D'Ivoire, Japan, Italy, The United States, The Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Trinidad & Tobago, Togo, and Switzerland.

May the best players win!

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