Friday, June 16, 2006

Group A Is Set ~

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
For a wonderful showdown between Germany and Ecuador. Both teams have beaten the other two members of Group A (Costa Rica and Poland) and now all that remains is for them to face off against one another. The winner will advance.

For those who don't know about the World Cup of Futból (i.e. Soccer), here's a quick in-service. In the finals, there are 8 Groups from throughout the world and multiple games determine the teams that will fill out the groups. Each group is comprised of 4 teams from within it's member nations. Each group (A through H) is configured to include both international powerhouse and regionally strong teams. So each contains teams representing more than one and often 3 different continents.

In the first round of competition there are three games that allow the four teams in each group to play one another. Teams are awarded 3 points for victories, 1 point for ties, and 0 points for loses. Teams in each group therefore can earn a maximum of 9 and a minimum of 0 points.

Both Germany and Ecuardor hold 6 points as they approach their game against one another; which ever team wins will move on. Some back ground: Both teams handily defeated my beloved Costa Rica (4:2 for Germany, and 3:0 for Ecuador); but the matches against Poland were different. Team Ecuador shut them out 2:0; and Germany only barely snatched out a win after the final buzzer with a miracle goal to take the game 1:0.

So this next match brings some especially intense international excitement and scrutiny. Germany the host nation and a clear favorite with hometown crowd advantage versus Ecuador, the "third world" challenger and surprisingly strong competitor...and this just Group A! Stay tuned.

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