Monday, June 12, 2006

Here's the Man!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Tomas Rosicky of the Czech Republic is the man of the hour for the Czechs. He scored 2 goals, a tournament high thus far (tied with Miroslav Klose of Germany, and Tim Cahill or Australia), in leading his team to victory of the United States. And why's this worth blogging? Well, it's World Cup trivia, but it's also a great photo, and that's the point of this post.

Few sports really match Futból for the way in which it's players display the sheer beauty and prowess of the human body. I can only think of two others, figure skating and gymnastics. Granted basketball is interesting but rarely demands the utter intensity of muscles already strained to the breaking point, and track and field does have it's moments, but they are comparative brief in my humble opinion. Soccer is a sports photographer's nirvana.

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