Thursday, June 15, 2006

Here's To My Students

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
After 21 years of teaching, a career that has engaged in several interations: 1 term as an ESOL teacher in Taichung, Republic of China (1981), 1 year as an English/Social Studies teacher at Colegio Métodista in San José, Costa Rica (1984), 8 years a 6th grade teacher in Jessamine Co. Kentucky (1985-1993), 2 years at the Kentucky Department of Education (1993-1994), and 12 years as a 4th and 5th grade teacher in Montgomery Co. Maryland -- I'm moving into a new postion. And it's a blessing.

But so is everything else that has proceeded it. So many kids, so many incredible, beautiful lives that I have had the awesome opportunity to touch. And they watch, they listen, they touch my life, too.

Yesterday, I received this "thank you" gift: the Lego Ice Tray! I nearly went overboard with gratitude. It's really not the object, but the sense of knowing that it represents. I have received my fair share of useless crap over the years, and this is something that I will always use and reference back to this my final year with a class of children.


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Congratulations. This is very exciting for you. The best of luck always.

    Andy Pass

  2. Thank you, Andy. You are very generous. Blessings! r.
