Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An Important Transition

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
On June 22nd of this month, Julio Bocca, the Argentinian born principle dancer of the American Ballet Theatre will dance in that role for the last time. Born in 1967, initiated into the world of classical ballet by his mother in 1971, turned professional at the age of 14 in 1979 (The year I graduated from high school.....), and appointed as ABT principle dancer in 1986, SeƱor Bocca has had the career of dreamers. He's danced to critical acclaim all over the world. He's worked with the best and he's well liked by all.

His is a charmed life and a hard earned life; a life that has brought joy and insight to countless others through the power of his art. Bravo! And may he continue to do that which he is so passionate about long into the future.

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