Thursday, June 01, 2006

No Surprises.....Please.

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Senator Hillary Clinton announced her re-election campaign today in Buffalo, New York. Buffalo, and not Brooklyn? Would love to be a fly on the wall of her handler's office.... But be that as it may, this is NO surprise. In fact, it's a comfort. While I don't agree with her on all the issues, I do think that she's a worthy successor to Daniel Patrick Monehan.

As to her further aspirations (presidency in 2008, por exemplo), I can only say PLEASE....NO!

I long for the day when we will, as a male dominated nation, like our dick's enough to trust a woman to lead us. And Hillary is totally qualified to do this. I'd vote for her! Honest. BUT, she's the victim of years of Republican vilification. And more than a mere election campaign will have to occur before the nation will choose Hillary to lead us. The first woman ought to be a 'George Washington" or an "Abraham Lincoln" and not a 'Clarence Thomas' or 'George Bush the Lessor.'

Hillary has alread won the most consequential mark in history: a first lady made senator of the 2nd most populous state in the nation. Not since former president Howard Taft was placed upon the Supreme Court has such a power-broker been given the opportunity to effect two branches of government. Her senatorial record ought to be her life's goal. Thus far, it's pretty milk-toast.

Hillary, darling, get re-elected and then make a difference in the Senate, for a change....

"Hillary Clinton en Campaña de Reelección"

NUEVA YORK - Mientras tanto la senadora demócrata y ex primera dama de Estados Unidos, Hillary Clinton, lanzó el miércoles la campaña para su reelección en noviembre, sin pronunciarse abiertamente sobre sus planes para la carrera presidencial de 2008, donde es vista como potencial candidata.

¿Rumbo a la Casa Blanca?

En un acto en la ciudad de Buffalo, al norte del Estado de Nueva York, por el cual es senadora desde hace seis años, Clinton se declaró "honrada" de aceptar la nominación para las elecciones legislativas de noviembre.
"Necesitamos pararnos y exigir un nuevo liderazgo que ponga a nuestro país nuevamente en la vía correcta", destacó la legisladora, a quien muchos analistas políticos consideran la más firme ganadora de la candidatura del Partido Demócrata para la carrera por la Casa Blanca de 2008.
"Creo que necesitamos fundamentalmente una nueva dirección, y necesitamos trabajar hacia soluciones que nos ayuden a cumplir con nuestros desafíos del siglo XXI de expandir nuestra economía, defender nuestra seguridad y preservar nuestros valores", agregó.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The Republicans swiftboated Kerry in a matter of weeks. Hillary Clinton has been attacked by them for fourteen years and there's still not a mark on her. She has a stronger chance of winning than any other democrat.

  2. Stronger isn't good enough. The last two democrats won, and that wasn't good enough either. Political operative in Florida and Ohio made certain the winning the vote didn't COUNT.

    We need a candidate that will OVERWHELM their sorry asses, so that if declared the looser an outcry of such proportions as a revolution will demand the truth be told. And I'm afraid that Hilary would not inspire such. Let me offer another option: Russ Feingold. And Russ, avoid plane rides....
