Saturday, June 10, 2006

Reality Check, Please

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Well, we got Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. And frankly, I am not shedding any tears. Those that live by the sword should expect little more... And this is what worries me.

Since June 1st, the Department of Defense has announced 21 casualties among US troops engaged in our little "war" on Terrorism. 21 men and women dead in 9 days. As to Iraqi civilians....they're dying at an average rate of 34 per day in war related incidents, so that would balance out to just over 300 men, woman, and children in the same first 9 days of June.

And the most distrubing thing of all? That these numbers don't seem to disturb very many of us. That this "War," (never declared Constitutionally, but often invoked by our illegitimately twice unelected president to justify the trashing of the Constitution) has become just another piece of our culture. We're Americans, ergo, we're at war.

It breaks my really does.

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