Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What I'm Listening To #13

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The O-Zone layer is rocking! And I'm possibly that last person in the world to realize it! ALL of my students know about it. And it all started with a commercial from New Zealand for the vodka 42 Below. The commercial features one of the thousands of self posted lip-synch performances of O-Zone's international hit "Dragostea Din Tei". I apologize that I do not know Romanian (and Babelfish fails to include it as one of their translation options!)

The tune is fun, and the commercial delightful. I found myself singing it to myself in class and bam!--23 nine and ten year old fourth graders erupted into shouts of joy. We eventually turned the melody of the chorus into a way of singing the names of the 50 states! I am NEVER one to miss the teachable moment.

The song is also know as the "numa numa" song. If you have some time to kill, you might want to google it and enjoy some of the vids out there for yourself.


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