Saturday, June 17, 2006

World Cup Update

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Lots of games and perhaps none more important that Ghana's victory over the Czech Republic. It sets up a very interesting Group E final, coupled with the US teams tie (1:1) today with Italy. The group stands as follows:

Italy 4
Czech Republic 3
Ghana 3

The US is OUT of any contention. The final matches are Italy vs Czech Republic, and Ghana vs US. And everyone in the Group BUT the US has a chance to win the group and move forward.

When a man in a local store told the sales woman behind the counter who was ringing up my order about Ghana's transaction ended! And only began again after we'd all celebrated by jumping and screaming and crying with joy -- I mostly watched sympathetically and patiently.

In other news: Group C is a contest between Argentina and the Netherlands; And in groups B & D Paraguay, Trinidad & Tabago, Angola, and Iran are heading home.....

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