Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Chink 'N Sync?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Apparently, not everything about the five young men was synchronized. Lance Bass has just announce his sexual orientation as gay. Bravo, Lance.

When asked in a pole on AOL "Should Lance have come out sooner?" the 53,235 respondants chose the following responses.
No, it was his decision to make 87%
Yes, to avoid the rumors 13%

And I agree with the no respondants, how one choses to reveal the truths of their life is their business. I would want everyone to be open, but for some people, it's just too scary, still.

A second question was posed and responded to by 55,050 with the following results: "Bass says coming out sooner may have affected *NSYNC's popularity. Do you think it would have?"
Yes 75%
No 25%

Here I disagree. It would have legitimized a section of the fan base, and the girls would still have 4 others to swoon over! But seriously, that response defies my sense of justice, but certainly justifies Lance Bass' choice of timing.

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