Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Something Wicked This Way Came!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Well, I didn't get out to any fireworks on the 4th. Instead the action came to me!

Around 5 PM a horrendous storm BLEW through. I had torrential rains, hail, and straight-line wind clocked at 50 mph sustained for over a minute at a burst. The results were flooded basement, lots of plant debris, and several large trees toppled into things like automobiles and power lines.

The electricity came back on about 2 AM, and at about 11:45 PM, unable to sleep without the ambient noise of my electrified abode, I took a drive around the area. It was amazing how widespread the power outages were. It actually made me feel a little better about my own dark state.

I have experienced 5 of the most powerful electrical storms in recent memory this year since mid-May. After living here for 12 years, the creek below my home has now flooded twice in that time frame, and the only other time that it has done this was last August. In order to accomplish this, it must increase its normal capacity by a magnitude of x 70! as it sits in a gully well below the streets that cross it or the trails that meander beside it.

Strange and amazing at the same time....we do live in interesting times.


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    I like it! Good job. Go on.

  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
