Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Gerrymandering? Give me a break!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I got a phone call from the "Democratic Congressional Legislative Committee" tonight. The woman wanted to incite me by declaring that the Republicans have used their largesse to pay for the gerrymandered re-districting of states like Texas and Pennsylvania. And I already know that this is true. But I also know that in the last cycle the Democrat lead legislature of Maryland played the same game for our side!

The map shows how gerrymandered the US House districts in Maryland are. I told her that I HATE gerrymandering, and that I was gerrymandered out of Albert Wynn's (D) 4th district and into Connie Morella's (R) 8th district where I gladly helped elect Chris Van Hollen (D) as her usurper.

I let her know that I will NOT give money to an appeal that deceives and plays upon the insecurities of the constituency. I expect to be treated like a piece of crap by the opposition, and when my party chooses the same format, they have no part of me!~ i.e. my money!

And I am not cheap. The older I get, the more I understand that money not only makes the world go 'round'; it also helps to shape the nature of that world. So my nickels and dimes have already gone to candidates like: Peter Ashdown (UT - Senate), Barry Sanders (VT - Senate), Kweisi Mfume (MD - Senate), Ned Lamont (CT - Senate), Andrew Duck (MD - HRep Dist 8), all to the tune of $500.00 total bucks, so far. Chump change in the totality of the political university. But we all gotta start somewhere. We must put our money where our mouth is--where ours hearts are, even if such acts of generosity appear to be singularly insignificant. Cause if we ALL do, it will cease to be insignificant.

Yet, this caller received nary a dime from me. I DO NOT GIVE TO POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS. I do not see any need for anyone else to speak with my limited dollars in my behalf! I don't even support the United Way. It's a greedy little scam which may provide supporters with moral cover on a personal level, but robs them of any moral authority. What ring do the LAZY inhabit in Dante's Inferno?

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