Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This Insane War

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
As some of you know, I have created a series of maps that honor the soldiers killed in our War on Terrorism, by state. It's part of my desire to make others as aware as I am of the real cost of our nation's policy regarding terrorism and aggression. As I look at the faces of the men and women who've passed into ancestry in my behalf I feel an overwhelming sense of unworthiness.

My life continues as if 9/11 never occurred, my world is essentially untouched, but for the rape of my wallet by the Oil Companies. And do I or YOU really value the lives of any of these departed souls, more that the difference between $2.70 a gallon and $3.30? (You do know that we are not fighting over "Democracy" or "Freedom," right? I mean, you're not that !@#%ing dumb!, right?)

Here, I offer a poster of the dead from the state of Louisiana. Given the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, it seemed the most fitting memorial to the blind courage and trust of American's from the "Delta State".

As an American who has never missed a chance to vote since he was able (the spring primaries in Michigan in May of 1979), and who has even navigated the bureaucracy of voting absentee when necessary (the presidential elections of 1984 from Costa Rica), I have never felt a more powerful desire among others to effect change, or a more personal sense of despair that such change can occur in an honest and fair way given our voting machines and the total corruption of the heart of the Republican Party to create a most undemocratic nation in the United States.

Look into these faces. Imagine what we have lost. Multiply it out into every state and into nations all around the world. Take a calculator and press the times (x) key by 1300 with the faces on this map of Louisiana, and see the number of Iraq's who've been killed and wounded -- and we smart about "terrorism" on our shores?! We have become, under our evil leadership's agenda, the world's greatest instigators of it. Our actions and presence in Iraq have even bested nasty ole Saddam at this point in precipitating deaths....yet, we are not on trial.....

Well, not officially, anyways. In the court of public opinion and in the world of public sentiment we are guilty---nay, evildoers--from the Tiber to East Timor, from Nova Scotia to New Zealand, from Bolivia to Borneo and every alliterated geographical location in between. As an AMERICAN this shames me.

We are hostages to a bunch of twisted, spoiled, cowardly FRAT BOYS using our nation and abusing it's reputation, resources, and potential to play their absurd fascist form of "Risk".

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