Sunday, September 17, 2006

How Did You Waste, Er Spend Your Sunday Afternoon?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
With many things pressing me for my time, I just chose to Veg!

And I did this by just surfing the Web. Allowing one site to lead me to another. Eventually happening upon a site that contained dozens and dozens of links to sites with male or gay interests. NOT porno. Sites of artists, bloggers, advocacy groups from around the world.

It's a blog site of its own:

It's based in Portugal, and I have spent the better part of three hours just scratching the surface of its linked riches. The image here is titled, "Little Red Riding Hood" and it's the creation of a graphics design studio out of Italy, Studio Dronio. I think they also did the graphics work for the Moldavian Techno Band, "Ozone", and their mega hit, "Dragostea Din Tei".)

The original site must be in Portuguese, and I immediately chose to have it translated into English via Google's translation software. Well, it's not a perfect venue to understanding! I've been really working at reading stuff that can for a time be completely reasonable and then suddenly swerve into non-sense land!

Here's an example from an article that was original written in English for the Scottish edition of the English newspaper The Observer about actor Eric McCormack's woes in finding work post-"Will & Grace".

"I Can't Shake Off My Gay Image, Says Will"

Lorna Martin, Scotland publisher
Sunday August 27, 2006
The Observer

He is blessed with dazzling good looks and starred in one of the most successful sitcoms on television. But when you've spent almost decade playing the most famous gay man in America, it's not easy you branch out you pastures new, the Erics McCormack is finding out.

McCormack, who played Manhattan to lawyer Will Truman in the hugely popular Will and Grace, would like you moves in you films and an actor Emmy-award winning, with perfect comic timing, undoubtedly has the ability you of so. But in one will hire him.

“I have this big pink cross you bear,” he said yesterday in Edinburgh where he was attending the International Television Festival. 'I absolutely loved playing Will. There was nothing hard about it. It was wonderful. But the only downside is the aftermath.

“I meet all these film executives who tell me how much they loved Will and Grace and say they to never missed an episode. Then they say, “so what can we of will be you it” What they could of it will be me is hire me you play someone else.”

I've been reading up on Autism today, as well, as I am dealing with many students who are Autistic at school--and want to be as prepared as possible to help my staff deal with and understand these unique and demanding children. I've learned that every 166th child born in the United States has some form of Autism. From 1990 to 2000, the US population increased by 13%, the number of Americans with Diabetes increased by 16%, and the number of Americans with Autism increased by 172%!!!

So now I'm reading these websites that time and again present me with strange and confusing syntax; moments when all meaning goes awry. And I think about the autistic children that I, and my colleagues, are interacting with more and profoundly more.

Not that the two are in anyway authentically linked, but it's been interesting pondering how slightly shifted to incomprehensible the daily world of these kids is in light of my adventure with Google's translator!

Maybe it wasn't a waste of time after all.....

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