Monday, September 18, 2006

What I'm Listening To #16

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This is "Rivo Drei." ~ one Hot German trio. You can see their videos at:

It's a subject line full, so I recommend cut and paste if you don't get a link. They are plaintive and passionate music makers. Young and foolish enough to be free and unpretentious. I especially enjoy "Wei Flugzeuge".

The fact that they sing in German, a language that I do not know but a couple dozen mostly disjointed and useless words in, did give me a momentary reason to pause; but then you know, I really do like that. I listen to El Zol 99.1 in Spanish all the time, I stream Radio Batanga on the internet at my office, I exercise to O-Zone's Disco Pop in Moldavian and Romanian, Have a growing collection of Brazilian jazz and pop in Portuguese (one of the most melodious languages on the planet). And so why the hell not German alternative/pop?

I never want to be someone who stops growing and discovering and embracing something new. I do not want to live in a world where anything is foreign. Perhaps it is the height of arrogance on some level, but I reject a world made up of "us" and "them". We are all US.

So check out Rivo Drei and discover another part of ourselves!

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