Sunday, October 29, 2006

Can I Get A Witness?

Last Saturday, while washing my truck in the driveway of my home, my neighborhood was descended upon by a group of "evangelists" from a newly forming Baptist church which has just started to meet at my neighborhood elementary school. (Who knows what eggregious "SIN" was committed by someone in the previous flock to force these good people to form a new one! -- I certainly don't.)

They arrived in a late model Cadillac and emerged as two elderly black men, three young Hispanic women, and 3 Hispanic children, all dressed for church. After wandering around the street and talking amongst themselves for a few a minutes, one of the men and a boy of about 12 approached me and offered me a flyer to a meeting where I would learn all about the "End Times" and God's plan for my life.

Okay, it was Saturday and I didn't have anywhere to go, so I decided to play along. We talked about God and the Bible and I swear to you within 10 minutes I got him to tell me that Salvation is based upon our behavior -- that Christians EARN their salvation!

And I laughed out loud at him. Pitty the fools! They cling to the Bible, but have no idea what it says!

Finally, I really needed to get my truck washed, so I told him he could stick a flyer in my door (and he sent the boy up to do it), and I wished him God's blessing (and good riddence!)

If there is a God, how on earth does God respond to such blatant ignorance which parades itself as God's very own messenger? Grace aside, after a couple of millenia, I'd be pissed.

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