Monday, October 09, 2006

Jonny McGovern "The Gay Pimp"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The genius behind the previously YouTube posted video "Soccer Practice .... Something Dirty~" on this blog is Mr. Jonny McGovern. His "My Space" space claims he was born in 1906, but I find sparse evidence to support the claim. What it does support is his total anarchistic, homocentric, in your face, F#&k reality state of being! Touché, mon cher erotique!

I down loaded his album from iTunes and the first track is a live concern intro that goes as follows amid the uproar and cheers of the multitude: "He's a teen pop sensation. He's the dirtiest gay boi in the world. He's the dirty Drill Sargeant. He turned your boyfriend gay. He made your Daddy leave your Mommy. And he's the Homo to holler for when you're in trouble. He's the Gay Pimp!"

Well, how can anything I try to cleverly concoct beat off that come on -- a truly master-baited promo of climactic hyperbole! What more can be said?

Okay. I can think of one other thing. If my friend, Ms. B. reads this; please, turn your son, S., onto it. He'll be as delighted by it as I am, I'm sure!

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