Friday, October 27, 2006

Michael J. Fox...another American Hero

By now, anyone reading this post must have heard about Michael J. Fox's TV commercials supporting candidates who support stem cell research and which were and are being aired in Missouri, Maryland, and Wisconsin. They are amazing glimpses into the human reality of this issue. Here's a portion of what the New York Time's said about them:

“Making Stem Cell Issue Personal, And Political” from the New York Times

The plea is as disturbing — and arresting — as a hostage video from Iraq. In a navy blazer and preppy Oxford shirt, the actor Michael J. Fox calmly asks viewers to support stem cell research by voting for several Democratic candidates in Maryland, Missouri and Wisconsin, while his body sways back and forth uncontrollably like a sailor being tossed around in a full-force gale.

In short, Mr. Fox’s display of the toll Parkinson’s disease has taken on him turned into one of the most powerful and talked about political advertisements in years.

Republican strategists who saw how quickly the commercial was downloaded, e-mailed and reshown on news broadcasts certainly thought so. Rush Limbaugh rushed in to discredit Mr. Fox, though he mostly hurt himself. Mr. Limbaugh, the conservative radio talk show host, told his listeners that the actor either “didn’t take his medication or was acting.” Mr. Limbaugh later apologized for accusing Mr. Fox of exaggerating his symptoms, but said that “Michael J. Fox is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democrat politician.”

As to the detractors...NO, as to Mr. Limbaugh and his juvenile, ignorant, calculated, "shilling for the Republican's" remark, I have this to say. You sir, are reason enough to cease one's belief in a just GOD. Because you are healthy, wealthy, and able to deceive millions of Americans while jetting off to places like the Dominican Republic with your illegal Viagra for sex crazed vacations with abjectly poor minority girls. Bravo, Rush! You've arrived.

And to think people still manage to speak poorly about the concept of selling one's soul to the Devil....

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