Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sunlight through Begonias

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
You already know about my fetish with light and the way it effects objects and moments.

A couple of years back, I secured window boxes against the upstairs windows in the back of my home. It's the western side of the house, and in the afternoon the waning sunlight addresses the flowers in a more horizontal manner. This year I have begonias in these mini-second-story gardens, and the effect can, by my reckoning, be absolutely magical. The light illuminates the translucent layers of leaves and petals casting shadows and creating a stained-glass glow.

A veritable "poem" of sunlight and matter, that reminded me of this poem.

The Sun

Look: the sun has spread its wings
over the earth to dispel the darkness.

Like a great tree, with its roots in heaven,
and its branches reaching down to the earth.

~ Judah Al-Harizi, 1170-1235

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