Thursday, November 09, 2006

Midterm Election 2006 Redux, part 2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
More history is made. The 110th Congress will have more women seated as Senators than any other in the history of our nation.

The Republicans returned 2 incumbent women, and the Democrats 5. The Democrats further are sending 2 addtional women senators to congress who will replace men (1 Democrat, 1 Republican).

Of all the Sentorial seats chosen yesterday, 9 went to Republicans (All Incumbents), and 24 went to Democrats (16 to Incumbents). The percentage of Republican women elected to the senate from all the Republicans elected was 22%, and the percentage of Democrat women elected to the senate from all the Democrats elected was 21%. The total percentage of women in the senate is 16%: 5% Republican and 11% Democrat.

The percentage of women in the population of the United States is 51%....35% TO GO!

Hats off to: (top to bottom, left to right in the photo)

Barbara Boxer, California
Maria Cantwell, Washington
Hillary Clinton, New York
Susan Collins, Maine
Elizabeth Dole, North Carolina
Diane Feinstein, California
Kaye Bailey Hutchinson, Texas
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
Claire McCaskill, Missouri
Barbara Mikulski, Maryland
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Patty Murray, Washington
Olympia Snow, Maine
Debbia Stabinow, Michigan

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