Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Midterm Election 2006 Redux, part 8

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Okay, like forever, Minnesota was donned a "close" race for the senate between Amy Klobucher and Mark Kennedy. So what happened?

The Democrat, Amy Klobucher, ran away with it. The REPUBLICAN, Mark Kennedy, who as a House Representative voted with Bush 98% of the time; who never placed the word REPUBLICAN in any of his ads, posters, commercials, or statements; who hoped against hope that his name might sway a few confused voters seeking change -- became the poster child for Bush policy/governance road kill.....

Minnesota is a proud state. It really doesn't seem to hanker to politicians who are ass kissers. Amy, keep those lips locked upon the Constitution and away from any leader's derriere!

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