Sunday, November 05, 2006

What I'm Watching #40

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
NOT! This one sucks little soft bunny fur!

I know that we live in a time when ANYONE can make a movie...and I used to think it was lamentable that ANYONE can make a child, boy was I naive! But just like children, some people shouldn't be allowed to make movies! ~ for the good of society. People like the one's who put this looser together! But unlike children, there is no hope for redemption with movies. Every child has a future as yet unwritten. But film's made without any decernable effort at writing are trapped forever in their dysfunctional digital/celluloid reality. And that's the nicest thing I can say about this one!

Don't let the cover tempt you, don't let TLAVideo's pithy little blurb entice you, this is just a BAD, BAD movie!

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