Friday, November 10, 2006

Where were you in November of 1968?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I was climbing my favorite Crab Apple tree!

I was watching the nightly news and listening while Chet Huntley and David Brinkley were telling me about the number of men killed that day in Viet Nam.

I was riding my bike again without fear that the riots that had devastated nearby Detroit would somehow bring terror to my town.

I was thinking about my grandfather, who had died that past July.

I was watching Star Trek on TV and imagining a world where all human beings were equal and only "aliens" were different.

I was in Mrs. Booker's third grade -- perhaps my least consequential year in elementary school, yet the first time that I was acknowledged as an "artist".

Pick a year and image the first 6 things that come to mind for you.

History is not a pantheon from the past. History is your story. This was a slice of mine....inspired by a very historic week.

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