Thursday, December 14, 2006

Child's Art & Poetry 02

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I am amused when people try to equate the prestige of a job against it's monetary renumeration. Money isn't everything! Into my 23rd year as a public school teacher, and my 14th back in an elementary school, I am a rich man. I want for nothing. In the realm of perks, I cannot contain all the gifts that are mine....sincerely!

One of the truly amazing things about working with children is their creativity. How purely they express their understanding of the world around them. It is rejuvination to my soul on a daily basis.


The tiny fish enjoy themselves
in the sea.
Quick little splinters of life,
their little lives are fun to them
in the sea.

~ D. H. Lawrence, 1885 - 1930

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