Friday, December 08, 2006

I've Got A Question Or Two.....

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
And not a chance in hell of getting to ask them!

So here goes:

1) Given the fact that every military action that you've lead is headed for a disastrous and infamous conclusion, do you regret that you ignored the experts and distained all opinions that did not completely support your objectives?

2) Now that only a handful of the lowest players in the abuses committed in the name of the United States against prisoners in our care have been held to account, are you ready to admit and accept your role as the chief architect in a strategy which you both created and implemented, and which led to these "on the ground" atrocities? Where are you willing to let this "buck" stop?


3) Without flipping me off (Don't pretend to scratching you little nose!), forget history and tell me, please, what grade do you give yourself as Secretary of Defense? It's a reality check thing.

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