Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Midterm Election 2006 Redux, part 9

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Joining my previous maps of Senate Results of MN, TN, OH, PA, MD, and MO, is New Jersey. Won by Democrat Menedez by a 53% to 48 % margine, it's a victory predicated on the state's urban centers. From south to north, they include, Camden, Trenton and Newark.

This was a race touted as a really vulnerable seat for the Democrats. In the end, the five point margin proved this prediction wrong. Five points in elections is not a fordable stream, but a comfortable gulf.

Senator Menedez joins a rather exclusive sub-group of senators who are also members of recognized racial/ethnic minorites. African-Americans 1 (Senator Barack Obama ~ D, IL); Asian-Americans 2 (Senator Daniel Inouye ~ D, HI; Senator Danial Akaka ~ D, HI); and Hispanic 3 (Senator Mel Menedez ~ D NJ; Senator Ken Salazar ~ D CO; Senator Mel Martinez ~ R FL). That's a Senate with a 6% minority membership serving a nation with a 32% minority population. Democracy? Democracy in process!

If the senate looked like America in it's representation; there would be 13 Hispanic members; 12 African American members; 1 American Indian/Eskimo member; 4 Asian American members; and 2 members representing a bi-racial background.

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