Friday, December 29, 2006

Some War Analysis

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
A.k.a. "can't sleep/active mind"

Where to begin, eh? It's now December 29th, and we are on the cusp of many milestones. Saddam Hussein is about to die. We are about to record the bloodiest month of the year for US military casualties in Iraq. The Democrats are about assume control of both branches of congress. There is no end to the possibilities. So let's start with military casualties.

George W. Bush declared the end of hostile actions in Iraq in May of 2003. MAY OF 2003~! And since then, thousands of American soldiers have died. I know, cause I've kept track. Beginning with September 2001, I've kept an annual count of the men and women who've died while serving our country in actions related to A) our response to 9/11 and B) the "War on Terrorism" in Afghanistan and Iraq. I chose a September-to-September tally on purpose, and here are the stats:

Killed in this amorphous war against an ideology:
51 from September 2001 to September 2002 [i.e. S01-S02]
322 [S02-S03] = (sum) 373
734 [S03-S04] = (sum) 1107
991 [S04-S05] = (sum) 2098
851 [S05-S06] = (sum) 2949

And since September of this this year

370 [S06-D06] = (sum) 3319

In fact, this year's September to December totals present the highest trajectory of deaths of American Soldiers so far in this War. After the dust has settled, the Dept. of Defense has issued press releases for SEVEN soldiers who died on Christmas Day alone.

Amidst this rise in violence and attacks (and there are dozens and dozens of attacks on our troups every day which go unreported because no one is killed), we learn that the former leader of Iraq is about to die. I doubt Saddam will not see the light of 2007 (or the 11th day of Dhul-Hijjah in the Islamic year 1427). And what of his execution?

I predict two things. First, an uprising in Iraq that will escalate U.S. military casualties and once and for all demonstrate that George the Lesser bite off more than he can chew. And, second, a resulting softening of little George's resolve -- not based on troop loses or public opinion (two facts he's successfully ignored to date), but on the fact that his mission for his Daddy is finally complete. To say more is to write a whole 'nother essay, and better minds than mine will accomplish this task.

Finally, as Democrats assume power and begin investigations this administration will end. Oh, yeah; we don't get a new president for two years, but the power and huberace of George the Lesser is over.
And perhaps, faced with this fact and his father's vanquishing at the death of Saddam, the United States can begin the arduous task of leaving Iraq.

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